Forum "Math-for-Industry" 2011, Kyushu University


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About FMI2011

Forum "Math-for-Industry" 2011
"TSUNAMI - Mathematical Modelling"

Using Mathematics for Natural Disaster Prediction, Recovery and Provision for the Future
(East-West Center, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa October 24- 28, 2011)

Aim & Scope(PDF Ver.) fmi2011

We would like to express our deepest sympathy to those affected by the terrible earthquake and tsunami that hit the Tohoku region in Japan in March, 2011, and by the succeeding Fukushima nuclear power plant accident.

The main topic of our forum is motivated by this catastrophic disaster: we sincerely feel that it is our responsibility to make use of mathematics for predicting natural disasters, recovering from catastrophic events, and making provision for the future. Thus, we have thought that the Forum "Math-for-Industry" in this year should be fully devoted to discussing a large variety of possibilities for using mathematics to these purposes. There are additional reasons for this choice. First, this year we expected participants (including speakers) to come from New Zealand (where there was a big earthquake in February) and Chile (also the location of a big earthquake last year, whose related tsunamis reached Japan, on the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean). Second, the word "tsunami" ("津波" =harbor wave (in Japanese)) made its way into the English language through Hawai'i. After the Hawai'i islands suffered from the big tidal waves caused by the 1946 earthquake near Alaska, the first-generation Japanese immigrants in Hawai'i introduced the spoken word into the English language.

Our objective is to consider what help can mathematics provide against natural disasters: to understand their fundamental mechanisms; to increase the accuracy of predictions, to minimize damages and risks; to establish more robust and efficient social systems for recovery; and so on.

Thus, the lecture theme includes the following research topics: tsunami, earthquake, environmental pollutions, logistics, optimization, control theory, statistics and data analysis, information security, CG visualization, PDE, inverse problems, numerical analysis, fluid dynamics, integrable systems (solitons), geometry and topology, etc.

On this occasion, we will inaugurate the Asian Consortium of Mathematics for Industry (ACMI) in the East Asian and Pacific areas, an idea planned since the fall of 2009. ACMI aims to create a strong international platform for development of worldwide activities involving mathematics for the industry.


Keynote address
Jonathan HOSKING(IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Marcelo KOBAYASHI(Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, USA)
Kristin LAUTER (Microsoft Research, USA)
George PAPANICOLAOU(Mathematics Department, Stanford University, USA)
Jos STAM(Autodesk Research, CANADA)

Invited talks
Armin BRUDERLIN (Sony Pictures Imageworks, USA)
Qi-fu CHEN(Institute of Earthquake Science, CHINA)
Kwok Fai CHEUNG(Department of Ocean and Resources Engineering, University of Hawaii at Mānoa, USA)
Yasuaki HIRAOKA(IMI, Kyushu University, JAPAN)
Cheng HUA(Fudan University, CHINA)
Alejandro JOFRÉ (Centro de Modelamiento Matemático, Universidad de Chile, CHILE)
Masato KIMURA(IMI, Kyushu University, USA)
Yuji KODAMA(Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University, USA)
Jae Ryong KWEON(Department of Mathematics, POSTECH, KOREA)
Hiroki MASUDA(IMI, Kyushu University, JAPAN)
Geoff MERCER(National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian National University, AUSTRALIA)
Kirill MOROZOV(IMI, Kyushu University, JAPAN)
Junichi NAKAGAWA(Nippon Steel Corporation, JAPAN)
Ryuei NISHII(IMI, Kyushu University, JAPAN)
Boris PAVLOV(New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study, NEW ZEALAND)
Jane SEXTON (Geoscience Australia, AUSTRALIA)
Kunio SHIMIZU(Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, JAPAN)
Atsushi TERO(IMI, Kyushu University, JAPAN)
Kim Chuan TOH(Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE)
Masahiro WATANABE(Application Research and Development Division Next Generation Technical Computing Unit Fujitsu Ltd., JAPAN)
George WILKENS (Department of Mathematics, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, USA)
Sangwoon YUN(School of Computational Sciences , KIAS, KOREA)

Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee
Monique CHYBA (Department of Mathematics, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa)
Yasuhide FUKUMOTO (IMI, Kyushu University)
Thomas HANGELBROEK(Department of Mathematics, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa)
Kenji KAJIWARA (IMI, Kyushu University)
H. Ronald RIGGS (Civil and Environmental Engineering , University of Hawai'i at Mānoa)
Osamu SAEKI (IMI, Kyushu University)
Tsuyoshi TAKAGI (IMI, Kyushu University)
Masato WAKAYAMA (IMI, Kyushu University)

Scientific Committee
Naoki ABE (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Hirokazu ANAI (Fujitsu Laboratories & IMI, Kyushu University)
Bob ANDERSSEN (CSIRO, Australia)
Ken ANJYO (OLM Digital, Inc.)
Jin CHENG (Fudan University)
Shin-Ichiro EI (IMI, Kyushu University)
Alejandro JOFRÉ (Centro de Modelamiento Matemático, Universidad de Chile)
Yoshiyuki KAGEI (Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University)
J.P. Lewis (Weta Digital Ltd./Victoria University)
Gaven MARTIN (New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study)
Junichi NAKAGAWA (Nippon Steel Corporation)
Thomas RAMSEY (Department of Mathematics, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa)
Tomoyuki SHIRAI (IMI, Kyushu University)
Setsuo TANIGUCHI (Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University)
Kim Chuan TOH (Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore)
Masahiro YAMAMOTO (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)

Conference Secretary
Tsubura IMABAYASHI(Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University)
Seiko SASAGURI(IMI, Kyushu University)

Organized By

Kyushu University

University of Hawai'i

Supported By

Global COE Program "Education-and-Research Hub for Mathematics-for-Industry", Kyushu University

Special Project Fund for Graduate Education in Mathematics (Kyushu University) by MEXT